My Web3 Learning Plan

Olumide Aderinwale
5 min read
Hi! I’m Olumide. I work in program operations at Stack Shift, running a Web3-focused fellowship program. While trying to understand the Web3 landscape, I got frustrated by how easily I got stuck in different rabbit holes. So, I decided to create a guide to help you understand the terminology but also begin to do stuff as early as possible.
This guide gives a general overview of the landscape and is applicable to both technical and non-technical audiences alike. It should take about 4-6 hours to complete. Each section includes both things to read and activities to get your hands dirty.

Session 1: Introduction to Web3

Web3 is a broad term used to describe various efforts to reform the internet using blockchain technology and token-based economics. Here are a couple of high-level guides to get you started:



Session 2: Understanding Ethereum

Ethereum is the second most popular blockchain after bitcoin and has played a crucial role in the growth of the crypto market. The Ethereum blockchain enables users to build applications and solutions ranging from financial apps, games, NFTs and many more.



Session 3: Layer 2s

A layer 2 refers to a secondary framework or protocol that is built on top of an existing blockchain system. The main goal of these protocols is to solve the transaction speed and scaling difficulties that are being faced by the major cryptocurrency networks.



  • Bridge your eth from mainnet to Polygon network
  • Mint a NFT on polygon (cheaper gas fees) — Activity in session 6

Session 4: DeFi

DeFi is a collective term for financial products and services run on public blockchains (mostly Ethereum), executed with dapps (decentralised apps).



  • Play Gamified Defi on DefiLand (in beta)
  • Swap some tokens for another coin/token on Uniswap
  • Contribute to a liquidity pool for interest (e.g. Aave)
  • Use another DeFi platform e.g. Curve, Compound, Balancer

Session 5: DAOs

A decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) is a group organised around a mission that coordinates through a shared set of rules enforced on a blockchain. There’s some controversy over whether DAOs should / shouldn’t have a centralised leadership.



Session 6: NFTs

An NFT is a uniquely identifiable digital asset secured by a blockchain. They have become a popular way to buy and sell digital art.



Session 7: GameFi

GameFi refers to play-to-earn blockchain games that offer financial incentives to players. The players typically earn NFTs or cryptocurrency by completing different stages of a game. Players can trade these assets on marketplaces and crypto exchanges. By playing the game often, a player can earn more assets or crypto tokens to sell to generate income.



Session 8: Other Blockchains

Scalability issues plague a lot of the earlier blockchains. Ethereum has high transaction fees (gas fees) and can only process 15 transactions per second. Other blockchains have arisen to solve some of these issues encountered on the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains.


That's it! This is the end of the guide. If you're looking to go deeper, here's a list of resources that other people have put together:

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